‘Midlothian View readers face a clear choice tomorrow’

Wednesday July 3rd 2024


This View has been written by Kirsty McNeill, the Scottish Labour and Co-operative General Election candidate

Midlothian View readers face a clear choice tomorrow on July the 4th.

We can stick with the status quo: two governments in London and Edinburgh that are at each other’s throats and more interested in picking fights with each other than winning fights for you.

Or we can pick change: economic stability, cheaper bills through GB Energy, a cut in NHS waiting times, a New Deal for Working people with a pay rise for over 200,000 Scots, jobs and opportunities for young people and maximising Scotland’s influence at Westminster.

I hope you’ll choose change over more of the same and I hope you’ll pick Scottish Labour with a sense of optimism in your heart. I know, though, that some of you are more cautious. I understand that. Some folk I’ve spoken to are voting Labour for the first time ever and that means a lot. Others have voted for other parties for a wee while but are returning to Labour because they see we’ve changed and are putting working people first.

Whatever happens, I’ll never take your support for granted. I met someone the other day who is going to vote for the first time in his life – at 50 – and all I could think about all night was how, if I am lucky enough to be elected, I can deliver enough for him to deserve a second vote in a few years time.

I’m proud that in my current job I lead charity programmes delivering help for hard-pressed families up and down the country. The only reason I feel called back to politics is because I believe I could deliver even more change as your MP.

In all the conversations we’ve had – on your doorsteps, on the phone and online – I hope you’ve got a bit of a sense of me as a person. I listen, I care and I get things done.

You can always find more information about me and ways to be in touch on my website. I am not taking anything for granted on Thursday and I’ll be out working for every vote until the end. If enough of you reward me with your support I hope you’ll let me have a little lie-in on Friday morning and then from Friday afternoon please be in touch and let’s get started on delivering the change Midlothian needs.

Kirsty McNeill is the Scottish Labour and Co-operative candidate.

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